I've got to get myself a Kindle Fire. Better yet, I've got to NOT get myself a Kindle Fire. Why? Because I can totally see my productivity decline!
My daughter loves her Kindle Fire that she got for Christmas. She loves downloading new games (or at least she did). She has been so content with the games she currently has that she hasn't asked for anything new in about a full month!
We plucked down the 99 cents (big spenders we are) and purchased Fruit Ninja: Puss in Boots. She couldn't stop playing it! One night, she says "Mom, try and beat my high score." And...a monster was created.
Of course I beat her high score, it wasn't that hard at first. After all, I'm an adult and she is a 9 year old. With that said, my high score lasted for one day. We did a back and forth a bit and now I can't beat her. Think I'm gonna give up...nope!
How terrible is that I find myself playing on my daughter's Kindle after she goes to bed? That is why I'm a bit nervous to purchase my own. I wouldn't necessarily call myself a fan of games, but I can't stop playing...so addicting! I'm afraid that if I had my own Kindle, I wouldn't put it down!
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